I hate introductions so much.
I have a love hate realationship with describing myself. I do like rambling about myself like the narcisistic asshole I am, but I want to be kept away in a little hole forever where no one can ever perceive me. Anyways, My introduction. I would be incredibly suprised if you don't already know me and you're viewing this page. But for those who have the pleasure of staying the hell away from me, I'm Kai. as per said in the first page, duh.
Anyways, Probably the most noticeable thing about me in person in my style. I either always look like I woke up from sleeping in a coffin or just horrible. I look like one of those 12 year old boys who just found out what Linkin park is. Despite hating that, I still will never care about myself enough to change it.
To be honest, I really don't know what else to put on this page so I'll just ramble for now. I'm planning to make a bunch of sub pages [like this one wow.] for specific topics like music, games and movies. So I'm trying to best to avoid talking about that shit on this page. I think I'll mainly just try to update my current tastes on those pages though. At the moment I'm going through alot. I'm taking all of my frustrations and just general exaustion out on making this website. It makes me feel better in a way. I don't mean to copy my girlfriend but I'm thinking about doing a video journal. I doubt I'd ever post them ontho this site becasue I hate the idea of my face being online. So I think I'll make a private page for it, or just keep it to myself. My feelings aren't important to me but I just really enjoy to be analyzed and told what's happing and or wrong with me.
I try my best to let out my feelings into my art or music. Who knows, I might even make a subpage just for my art. I feel somewhat worthless drawing lately though. I doesnt feel real, I feel pathetic. Painting on the otherhand, I love it. Waterpaint specifically. It's calming to just paint over and over the previous colours. Other than that, skating is another outlet. I think I am very angry person. Not in a "I see red when im angry... better watch out..." way, In a "If i don't calm down im going to pass out and scream" kind of angry. It's hard to explain. I just really enjoy being able to do something physical to let out all of the rage thats been pushed down ever the years.