Main Title

ultracel haven

Hello ultracel nation! [what the fuck is an ultracel im going insane help me]

I'm in a new era and i've decided to run away from social media because I don't like talking to anyone anymore becasue everything sucks and I suck and I want to lets stop there

Anyways, purpose of site is tooooo drumroll please ... Braindump!!! I had the idea to just dump all of my journal entries on here for the twisted, sick, deranged viewer to read at any their own pleasure! How convenient! But then I had the brilliant idea to abandon all modern hope and run for the hills to this hellsite.

I'll try to update it regularly, but don't keep your hopes up. With how my mental state is going now, I think I'd much rather update a little website than interact with anyone that I know IRL. Everything in my life is a total wreck right now. But hey, who gives a shit you're just here for the funny femcel picyures, right?

Other than that, I don't necessarily have a plan for this site. I'd like it to just be pure passion. I really do enjoy this kind of stuff but it is just REALLY time consuming.

And because of that, I cant guarentee that everything works. Sorry.

If you have any ideas for me, Dm me. You either know me or you don't. Hit me at @perfect.drug on discord.


Current Mood: Whatever fancy word there is for worthless.

Favorite Song At The Moment: 80's Goth suicide note.

Favorite Band/Artist At The Moment: This cold night.

Relationship Status: Still with my Girlfriend..

Occupation: Employed. I've recently applied to some more jobs.

Why am I so melodramatic?